42 Yoga Online – 100+ Free Yoga Classes

There are more than 100 recordings of Yoga classes in this Facebook group, including mindful Vinyasa flows, Yin Yoga classes, and gentle yoga classes that are suitable for beginners. The group was set up during the long Covid lockdowns in Melbourne, Australia, so people could do Yoga at home, and get all the benefits of Yoga during that difficult time. No payment is necessary, and there is no expectation of payment, but if you would like to contribute, please donate. Ask to join the private group.

Embrace the Change!

Menopause is a strange beast in Western society. If we talk about it at all, we are complaining to each other … mostly about the hot flushes. We have learned to dread menopause, to see it as the end of womanhood, and to feel like it’s out of our control. As we get older in a culture that values youth and external ‘beauty’, we can feel invisible, ignored, not respected, and cast aside. Australian Aboriginal traditional culture celebrates the woman as she reaches menopause. She has become wise. It’s a positive time in her life. This is a much better READ MORE

What Would Jane Austen’s Books be Like if her Characters did Yoga?

You can actually buy these cards on Etsy! Click on the card to go to the Etsy page. Is there a place for pride and prejudice in yoga? How about sense and sensibility? I teach a special yoga class that is a beguiling journey through everyone’s favourite Jane Austen novels, but what would life have been like in the Regency era if they did yoga? Obviously, it would have been difficult to do Yoga wearing Regency attire, but could it have changed their lives? I know not many people may have pondered this (!), but bear with me… 1. For a READ MORE

If You Only Do One Yoga Pose, Do This One

I often say in yoga class that this pose is like magic. It’s not a fancy pants pose. You won’t see impossibly bendy people doing it on Instagram . It’s yoga for every body, with a plethora of benefits. So if you only do one yoga pose then I recommend you do this one. Viparita KaraniLegs up the wall. That’s it. You can do it anywhere. Wear whatever you like. In your office at work, on your bed, outside, inside. Any wall, pretty much anywhere. You can even do this pose when you’re low energy or tired (in fact it’s READ MORE

Five Reasons to Make Yoga Your New Year’s Resolution

When it comes to the start of the new year, making yoga a new year’s resolution is a good move. These are the reasons why… 1. Creating a healthy new habitStart the year off how you wish to continue. Research suggests it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Spend the first 21 days of the year doing sun salutations when you wake, and see the difference it makes to your life.When you’ve done yoga consistently for a while, you notice that a delicious calm comes, and doesn’t just last for the length of a yoga class; it stays. READ MORE

How Yoga can Help Writers

I spent many years as a journalist so I know firsthand that writing can be tough on the body. We often spend long hours at the computer or hunched over with a notepad and pen, with little thought to how that might affect our posture, or even hurt later. (Too much focus on finishing the task, or the deadline!) Then when you do feel sore it’s difficult to get back to writing. It can really get in the way, actually. Hands up writers if you have tight shoulders or neck issues, lower back pain, tight psoas/hip flexors or rounded shoulders? READ MORE

Lessons from the Camel

Camel pose (Ustrasana) is certainly a challenging one. For a start, we’re moving from the back, which is not something we usually do. But let’s look at the benefits. Not just the health benefits that come from doing any yoga, but how the lessons of camel pose can come off the mat and into your life. On the mat, the pose requires both strength and vulnerability. You’re engaging the core, the quads and the thighs and pressing through the hands to lift the chest more. Then because you’re opening through the chest, you’re exposing the vulnerable parts of the body – the READ MORE

Don’t Panic! 5 Yoga Lessons From Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Since 42 Yoga was inspired by Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (42 being the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything), it’s only fitting that we muse on this on International Towel Day. (Bit weird I know). International Towel Day happens every year on 25th May as a tribute to the author of the book, Douglas Adams. Yoga even scores a recommendation in the book… Zaphod: I’m sensing a lot of hostility from you, Alex.Arthur: Arthur!Zaphod: Have you ever tried yoga?

FREE Individual Yoga Sessions for People who Find Christmas Difficult

Christmas is not always a happy time. My mum died on Christmas Day 2013, so I’m one of those people who find Christmas difficult. This is why I offer free individual sessions to people who are grieving, experiencing loss, or who find Christmas stressful or difficult for other reasons, in the lead up to Christmas Day. Contact me to organise your free 1.5-hour session. This can take place in your own home (inner Melbourne Metropolitan Area, or Geelong region) or at my home (Yarraville). The yoga will focus on healing, stress relief and self-kindness and will be relaxing and restorative. READ MORE

Why Yoga Feels Like Magic

You come along to a yoga class, do a bit of breathing, some physical poses, some relaxation, and that’s it, right? Maybe you get a little bit more flexible and feel less stressed for an hour. But that’s not the end of the story. When you’ve done yoga regularly for a while you discover that it has much deeper, life-enhancing, life-changing effects. It is surprising, actually, and feels a little bit like magic. This magic is not exclusive. It doesn’t happen to a lucky few. It happens to everyone who commits to a regular practice. Yoga goes beyond the physical, READ MORE