Finding Balance: Yoga for PMT, PMS, and PMDD

Premenstrual tension (PMT), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) are conditions that affect millions of women worldwide, causing a range of physical and emotional symptoms before menstruation. These conditions can disrupt daily life and well-being (so much!), but holistic approaches like yoga can be used to manage and alleviate the symptoms. Yoga is known for its ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance physical and mental well-being, and this is how it can be best utilised when you are experiencing PMT, PMS and PMDD.  Yoga offers a holistic approach to managing the symptoms of PMT, PMS, and READ MORE

Yoga for People Who Don’t Like Yoga

I know you’re out there! You have been told you *should* do yoga, perhaps by your doctor, a friend concerned about how stressed you are, or your own inner voice, but you just don’t want to do it! It’s okay, you’ve come to the right place. Plus, as self-development guru Tony Robbins would say: “Stop ‘should-ing’ all over yourself!” It’s no use starting yoga if you don’t want to do it. I guarantee you won’t continue doing it, even if you drag yourself along to one class. The negative emotions, for a start, will mean you won’t get any positive READ MORE

How Non-Attachment Can Revolutionise Your Life

For me, it began with reading the Bhagavad Gita as part of Yoga teacher training. It is the part of the Bhagavad Gita that talks about not being attached to the outcomes of your endeavors. It’s been a revelation to me. I have been thinking about it ever since and believe it has already fundamentally changed the way I look at life and live my life. When I first became a Yoga teacher I could not cope with it at all. I would cry after all my classes. It was like performance anxiety. I was convinced everyone hated the classes, READ MORE

The Healing Power of Yoga

Yoga is a holistic practice that can have a healing effect on the mind, body, and spirit. Here are some ways that yoga can be healing: Overall, yoga can be a healing practice that can help improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It can be an effective complementary therapy for various health conditions and can help promote a sense of balance, harmony, and inner peace. Photo credit: Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash   When You Feel Like You Have Been Cracked Open, Read This… The cracks are where the light gets in… Read More 42YogaJanuary 18, 2024 The Healing Power READ MORE

Bring Mindfulness to Your Day

A short guide to easily bringing mindfulness to your day. Edit Your Day Like a Book Commas Stop, be still, take a deep breath Full Stops 3-5 minutes Stop. Be still. Breathe deeply. Scan the body. Let go of any tension you find. Source: Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance. Monash University (See below) Longer Meditations Resources *Free Phone App – Insight TimerThousands of Guided MeditationsTry Glenn Harold’s Mindfulness for Releasing Anxiety *Free Mindfulness courseMonash University on Future LearnMindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance *Tara Brach Psychologist and Meditation TeacherPodcast talks and meditations Remember… Mindfulness is a practice. Be kind to READ MORE

The Yoga Cat at Number 42

If you have done any of my online yoga classes during the Covid-19 lockdowns, you will be acquainted with my very curious, attention-seeking Singapura cat Ditto (A.K.A The Ditz). He likes to climb on me at any opportunity, lie underneath a downward dog or chatauranga, reach up to tap me with a paw, and stick his backside in the air for a back scratch. If all else fails, he’ll bite an ankle or an arm and I’ll have to take a moment to put him in another room (where he will invariably meow loudly and bang on the door). Even READ MORE

42 Yoga Online – 100+ Free Yoga Classes

There are more than 100 recordings of Yoga classes in this Facebook group, including mindful Vinyasa flows, Yin Yoga classes, and gentle yoga classes that are suitable for beginners. The group was set up during the long Covid lockdowns in Melbourne, Australia, so people could do Yoga at home, and get all the benefits of Yoga during that difficult time. No payment is necessary, and there is no expectation of payment, but if you would like to contribute, please donate. ($15AUD per class recommended) Ask to join the private group.

What Would Jane Austen’s Books be Like if her Characters did Yoga?

Is there a place for pride and prejudice in yoga? How about sense and sensibility? I teach a special yoga class that is a beguiling journey through everyone’s favourite Jane Austen novels, but what would life have been like in the Regency era if they did yoga? Obviously, it would have been difficult to do Yoga wearing Regency attire, but could it have changed their lives? I know not many people may have pondered this (!), but bear with me… 1. For a start, there wouldn’t be any prejudice if they let go of judgment of others, and didn’t care about READ MORE

If You Only Do One Yoga Pose, Do This One

I often say in yoga class that this pose is like magic. It’s not a fancy pants pose. You won’t see impossibly bendy people doing it on Instagram . It’s yoga for every body, with a plethora of benefits. So if you only do one yoga pose then I recommend you do this one. Viparita KaraniLegs up the wall. That’s it. You can do it anywhere. Wear whatever you like. In your office at work, on your bed, outside, inside. Any wall, pretty much anywhere. You can even do this pose when you’re low energy or tired (in fact it’s READ MORE