42 Yoga Online – 100+ Free Yoga Classes

There are more than 100 recordings of Yoga classes in this Facebook group, including mindful Vinyasa flows, Yin Yoga classes, and gentle yoga classes that are suitable for beginners. The group was set up during the long Covid lockdowns in Melbourne, Australia, so people could do Yoga at home, and get all the benefits of Yoga during that difficult time. No payment is necessary, and there is no expectation of payment, but if you would like to contribute, please donate. Ask to join the private group.

What Would Jane Austen’s Books be Like if her Characters did Yoga?

You can actually buy these cards on Etsy! Click on the card to go to the Etsy page. Is there a place for pride and prejudice in yoga? How about sense and sensibility? I teach a special yoga class that is a beguiling journey through everyone’s favourite Jane Austen novels, but what would life have been like in the Regency era if they did yoga? Obviously, it would have been difficult to do Yoga wearing Regency attire, but could it have changed their lives? I know not many people may have pondered this (!), but bear with me… 1. For a READ MORE

FREE Individual Yoga Sessions for People who Find Christmas Difficult

Christmas is not always a happy time. My mum died on Christmas Day 2013, so I’m one of those people who find Christmas difficult. This is why I offer free individual sessions to people who are grieving, experiencing loss, or who find Christmas stressful or difficult for other reasons, in the lead up to Christmas Day. Contact me to organise your free 1.5-hour session. This can take place in your own home (inner Melbourne Metropolitan Area, or Geelong region) or at my home (Yarraville). The yoga will focus on healing, stress relief and self-kindness and will be relaxing and restorative. READ MORE