Transform like a Lotus Flower Despite the Mud of Life

If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant or weak, return to who you are, here and now, and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.” ~ Masaru Emoto The lotus flower comes from the mud, dirty water, but it grows into something beautiful. The lotus is an age-old religious symbol. For Buddhists, the lotus flower symbolises the most exalted state of human, feet rooted in the world of experience. According to Hinduism, within each human is the spirit of the sacred lotus. My photograph above is from READ MORE

How Yoga Can Help Alice in Wonderland… And Us

It’s 150 years since Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll was first published. You might think ‘what has Alice in Wonderland got to do with yoga?’ so you may be surprised to discover that it is possible to draw a yoga life lesson from the pages of the book and Alice’s experience. The book tells a story of an Alice who is lost. She’s big. She’s small. She has forgotten the key to the garden. She gets stuck. She loses her way. She doesn’t know which way to go, or who or what she is.  The characters she meets on READ MORE